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unlock your health potential


The world’s most comprehensive DNA test 


Empowering YOU to explore what makes YOU different


Bespoke to YOU and YOUR needs

unlock your health potential

The Science 

Utilising the most advanced technology, for results can trust,


DNAFit's Whole Exome Sequencing Technology conducts a full scan on all your protein-coding genes,


analysing all mutations that may contribute to your health,


providing you with more comprehensive and accurate results.


Imagine that each gene is like a book. You need to read the whole book to know the story.  With Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) technology, rest assured you will be getting the full story instead of just a few pages with traditional genotyping sequencing technology.


We do so using state-of-the-art DNA technologies
- Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) technology,
to consistently generate accurate genetic data, while adhering to the highest international quality standards.




Listen to Allison's amazing transformation story..


500+ reports across 20 categories

Personalised Coaching

You will receive a complimentary 30-minute phone consultation with our team of genetics-trained health professionals to help make their results truly actionable.

Each report includes:

• Which genes were tested. A breakdown of which mutations were analysed and detected in your patient’s DNA sample and how we determine their result.

• Valuable insights and DNA-based advice broken down into simple and actionable recommendations.


• Information about your client’s results and a deeper look into their unique genetic profile and what it means for their everyday life.

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